07739 155 807




Photo by Sophia Adatia


Neck & shoulder massage

This is great if either of you have tense upper back, neck and shoulders as well as headaches. Be playful, it's not a set routine but some ideas to get you started. Just to be on the safe side please don't do on someone that is pregnant, has an upper body / head...

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Pain free gardening

Spring time and if you have a garden, allotment, patio or plants on your balcony suddenly there seems loads to do. Physically and emotionally it’s a fantastic boost and looking at the results can be really satisfying however it's easy to lose track of time and...

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Massage and Stress
Emotion, Massage, Stress

Massage and stress

I once overheard a conversation on a train where someone was recommending massage to a friend as she was so stressed, the friends response was how can a massage take away my stress. Very true it can't but it can help manage what you may be experiencing. Many...

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Cancer and Massage

Cancer and massage

Can I still receive a massage if I have cancer? The good news is yes you can, some people worry that massage could cause cancer cells to spread to other parts of their body. This myth has been the cause of upset and stress with people being refused treatments that...

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Tension headache

Tension headaches

A tension headache or tension-type headaches is the most common type of primary headache. Tension-type headaches account for up to 78% of all headaches and approximately 3% of the population has chronic tension-type headaches, chronic meaning long term, this can...

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Slouching too much

Slouching too much?

How we sit and stand can make a difference to how we feel both physically and mentally. After a hard day it's easy to slouch in front of the TV, laptop, or hunch over our phones, perhaps slipping into habits that put strain on our body. Our bodies are great at...

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Importance of Touch

Importance of touch

Human touch is the first language we learn as a means of emotional expression. Touch can be of different types, caring, friendly, supportive, encouraging, suggestive, provocative, offensive or dominant. Recently researchers have begun to focus on this subtle...

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Massage and pregnancy
Massage, Pregnancy

Massage and pregnancy

Many of us may be familiar with the idea of massage helping us relax body and mind, however it’s benefits extend beyond this with massage being safe to receive if your Pregnant from the first trimester onwards. Even if you are overdue it’s not too late to receive...

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Healthy Computer tips

Healthy Computer tips

Sitting for a long time without moving at a desk or computer can lead to posture problems as well lower energy and alertness.  Backs can suffer, slouching forward can contribute to shoulder and neck pain as can multi-tasking with the phone squeezed between...

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