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Thai massage on leg
Blog, Massage, Pain, Sciatica

Massage and sciatica

If you're dealing with sciatic pain or piriformis syndrome, massage can be an effective way to relieve pain and other symptoms. Sciatica occurs when the sciatic nerve is irritated, compressed, or injured, leading to pain that ranges from mild to severe. Symptoms...

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Massage, Blog, Stress, Tips

Massage and jaw pain

Temporomandibular joint dysfunction massage can be a really beneficial way of helping you. If you are experiencing pain of discomfort around the jaw area or if your Dentist has diagnosed you with TMD. This is pain and discomfort in and around your jaw joint and the...

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Calming nerves
Emotion, Massage, Stress

Calming your nerves

Your nerves have been feeling frazzled and everyone's been getting on your nerves!! How can massage help? The combination of physical touch, muscle and fascia manipulation, and a soothing environment contribute to an overall sense of wellbeing and relaxation. Along...

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Massage, Emotion, Stress, Tips

Can massage help anxiety?

Anxiety is a common and natural emotion, characterised by feelings of unease, worry or apprehension. These can be triggered by various factors, ranging from significant life events to everyday actions. Anxiety is a response to our world around us, which can be...

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Massage and Fibromyalgia

Massage and fibromyalgia

Massage can benefit you if you have fibromyalgia by easing pain and soothing the nervous system. It can also help ease the pain of tension type headaches as well as helping with stress, anxiety and depression. Massage aids relaxation helping you have a deeper and...

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Breath work, Massage

Free your breath

How's your breathing? Autumn can be the time of year where many of us are finding it a little more difficult to breath. A lingering chest infection, pain and discomfort from a chronic respiratory condition, stress or anxiety causing a shortness of breath and...

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Neck & shoulder massage

This is great if either of you have tense upper back, neck and shoulders as well as headaches. Be playful, it's not a set routine but some ideas to get you started. Just to be on the safe side please don't do on someone that is pregnant, has an upper body / head...

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Massage and Stress
Emotion, Massage, Stress

Massage and stress

I once overheard a conversation on a train where someone was recommending massage to a friend as she was so stressed, the friends response was how can a massage take away my stress. Very true it can't but it can help manage what you may be experiencing. Many...

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Cancer and Massage

Cancer and massage

Can I still receive a massage if I have cancer? The good news is yes you can, some people worry that massage could cause cancer cells to spread to other parts of their body. This myth has been the cause of upset and stress with people being refused treatments that...

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