Can I still receive a massage if I have cancer? The good news is yes you can, some people worry that massage could cause cancer cells to spread to other parts of their body. This myth has been the cause of upset and stress with people being refused treatments that would have been greatly appreciated. Research has shown that cancer develops and spreads because of changes to a cell’s DNA.
Massage or other movement such as exercise do not cause cancer to spread and Oncology massage with perhaps a slower lighter touch can be highly beneficial for people who have had a cancer diagnosis. Adaptions and modifications may be needed depending on your current stage of health. These may include length of session, pressure and speed as well as site restrictions, considerations with positioning and avoiding any areas affected by cancer, such as tumour sites or lymph nodes. A face, scalp, foot or hand massage can be as equally beneficial and comforting as a body massage.
Massage can help relieve the symptoms of cancer or side effects of treatments such as chemotherapy related fatigue, depression, nausea, insomnia, and pain. Sore muscles and scar tissue can be eased and range of movement increased as well as giving an emotional lift, helping to manage stress and anxiety. One of my close family members experienced the benefits after receiving 6 sessions of chemotherapy, feeling exhausted with low immunity she found massage did her the world of good and gave an energy boost with the feel good factor. Between her sessions of chemotherapy she also received Reflexology, helping keep a little balance at this time. Massage can also help stimulate your digestive system and increase relaxation by encouraging deeper respiration.
Therapeutically it provides a comforting touch, providing a relief from that received during a series of medical procedures. It’s not however a treatment or remedy for cancer but can be work well in conjunction with any treatments you may be receiving. I am a certified Oncology massage therapist and please feel free to contact me if you have any queries or would like to know if it would be suitable for you or anyone you know to receive a massage, more details about Oncology massage here. It’s not essential you have permission from your medical team but useful if I can liaise with them. Sorry but currently I am only able to offer clinic based sessions and not home or hospital visits.
Feel free to contact me to find out how my treatments can help you, contact by email or call on 07739155807